About Me

My photo
I'm just a simple boyz...a kind of emo too...not handsome...not a kind person...not a perfect person...i hates somethings like disturbing...really hates thats...i like to make friends...i have a lots of friends...anybody that read my blog...thanks...but i not like to reading or writing a lot...its make me feel so bored...huhu...anyway...follow my blog...thanks...


follow da rules

JuST aBouT...

my name is...
mohamad hafizie bin hashim...
i have 1 brothers...2 sisters...
i'm the second one from 4 of my brother N sisters...

me...sometimes i'm weired...sometimes i feel like hate everybody in my house...

when i was child...i never make good things...sometime i feel like bandit...but it's already ma be a not good-son...
haha!!!...its not funny to be a not good-son...

you know...sometimes you will hate your family...for no reason...i don't know why but i feel the samethings also...let me tell you some things...i have a lot of friends...they are full of kind and dirty sometimes i will enjoy with them...we have gurls also...have some fun with chicks at my place...i want to tell you more but its about time you weeks i will tell you about my lifs as emo kid....

Saturday, February 28, 2009

gem yg ak men

ari nih...ak xtw nk bwt pe...bgun tdo pkol 11.35...huhu...tros mngadap mspace,frienster,myyearbook...pastue men game..
so arinih ak nk ajak korang yg membaca post ak nih
main comelro...
walaupon gem ragnarok ni dh xramai yg men...
tpi gem nih bagi ak memang best...
kalau korang nak main
amik laman web nih..
pastue download sakray...
snang jer nk men game nih...hehe...
tue je arr...
so annoying kan...

Friday, February 6, 2009

jgn kata apa2...

kelmarin...ak g shop jmpe la exgurlz ak...ak ni kalu dh jdi exgurlz ak xkn tgor nye...xtw plak yg dier tgor x bleh bwat pe la...kitorang sembang2 bek la mse tuh...rupe2nye dier smenjak ptos ngn ak dier x ambik sesape jdi balak dier...bgos jgak kn???
kalu korang nk kt dier tepon la ku...hehe...tpi tue bkan motif ak nk cter kt korang sume...cte ni brmule mse ak tgh siok brsembang ngan ex gurl ak...tetibe je mkwe aku lalu...tros dier naik angin...huhu...ak bwat don't knoe je la...salah ke ak sembang2 ngan exs aku???tpi bg dier slah...dier tros dtg...ak igt dier nk kasi pnampar kat ku...tpi pnampar tue mlencong ke mke exgurlz aku...nseb bek exgurlz ak nie spoting...dier bgun n cakap..."if u think eur boyfriend curang dgn u,u memang bodoh"...haha...aku dgn rse sempoinye brkte"releks la jgn ar gtue x bek"skali due2 aweks nih ckap"u jgn kte ape2 paham!!!"...aih!!! malu den...hehe...ak tggu bapak g...ak blah la...sempat la jgak aku kasi no phone bru ak kat exgurlwrenz aku...hehe...korang bleh bayangkn x kalu jdi gtue kat korang???


shut up

me the red one

me the red one
me the red one